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npm: @typescript-eslint/typescript-estree v8.27.0

@typescript-eslint/parser 使用的底层代码将 TypeScript 源代码转换为与 ESTree 兼容的形式。✨

¥The underlying code used by @typescript-eslint/parser that converts TypeScript source code into an ESTree-compatible form. ✨

该解析器被设计为通用且健壮的。它可用于支持任何需要获取 TypeScript 源代码并生成与 ESTree 兼容的 AST 的用例。

¥This parser is designed to be generic and robust. It can be used to power any use-case which requires taking TypeScript source code and producing an ESTree-compatible AST.

它最著名的是在这些超流行的开源项目中使用来增强其 TypeScript 支持:

¥It is most known for use within these hyper-popular open-source projects to power their TypeScript support:

  • ESLint,用于 JavaScript 和 JSX 的可插入式 linting 实用程序

    ¥ESLint, the pluggable linting utility for JavaScript and JSX

  • Prettier,一个有态度的代码格式化程序

    ¥Prettier, an opinionated code formatter


¥It works by:

  1. 对给定源代码调用 TypeScript 编译器以生成 TypeScript AST

    ¥Invoking the TypeScript compiler on the given source code in order to produce a TypeScript AST

  2. 将 TypeScript AST 转换为 ESTree AST

    ¥Converting that TypeScript AST into an ESTree AST




parse(code, options)

使用提供的选项解析给定的代码字符串并返回与 ESTree 兼容的 AST。

¥Parses the given string of code with the options provided and returns an ESTree-compatible AST.

interface ParseOptions {

* Specify the `sourceType`.

* For more details, see
sourceType?: SourceType;


* Prevents the parser from throwing an error if it receives an invalid AST from TypeScript.

* This case only usually occurs when attempting to lint invalid code.
allowInvalidAST?: boolean;


* create a top-level comments array containing all comments
comment?: boolean;


* Whether deprecated AST properties should skip calling console.warn on accesses.
suppressDeprecatedPropertyWarnings?: boolean;


* An array of modules to turn explicit debugging on for.

* - 'typescript-eslint' is the same as setting the env var `DEBUG=typescript-eslint:*`

* - 'eslint' is the same as setting the env var `DEBUG=eslint:*`

* - 'typescript' is the same as setting `extendedDiagnostics: true` in your tsconfig compilerOptions

* * For convenience, also supports a boolean:

* - true === ['typescript-eslint']

* - false === []
debugLevel?: boolean | ('typescript-eslint' | 'eslint' | 'typescript')[];


* Cause the parser to error if it encounters an unknown AST node type (useful for testing).

* This case only usually occurs when TypeScript releases new features.
errorOnUnknownASTType?: boolean;


* Absolute (or relative to `cwd`) path to the file being parsed.
filePath?: string;


* If you are using TypeScript version >=5.3 then this option can be used as a performance optimization.

* * The valid values for this rule are:

* - `'all'` - parse all JSDoc comments, always.

* - `'none'` - parse no JSDoc comments, ever.

* - `'type-info'` - parse just JSDoc comments that are required to provide correct type-info. TS will always parse JSDoc in non-TS files, but never in TS files.

* * If you do not rely on JSDoc tags from the TypeScript AST, then you can safely set this to `'none'` to improve performance.
jsDocParsingMode?: JSDocParsingMode;


* Enable parsing of JSX.

* For more details, see

* * NOTE: this setting does not effect known file types (.js, .cjs, .mjs, .jsx, .ts, .mts, .cts, .tsx, .json) because the

* TypeScript compiler has its own internal handling for known file extensions.

* * For the exact behavior, see
jsx?: boolean;


* Controls whether the `loc` information to each node.

* The `loc` property is an object which contains the exact line/column the node starts/ends on.

* This is similar to the `range` property, except it is line/column relative.
loc?: boolean;


* Allows overriding of function used for logging.

* When value is `false`, no logging will occur.

* When value is not provided, `console.log()` will be used.
loggerFn?: Function | false;


* Controls whether the `range` property is included on AST nodes.

* The `range` property is a [number, number] which indicates the start/end index of the node in the file contents.

* This is similar to the `loc` property, except this is the absolute index.
range?: boolean;


* Set to true to create a top-level array containing all tokens from the file.
tokens?: boolean;

const PARSE_DEFAULT_OPTIONS: ParseOptions = {
comment: false,
filePath: 'estree.ts', // or 'estree.tsx', if you pass jsx: true
jsDocParsingMode: 'all',
jsx: false,
loc: false,
loggerFn: undefined,
range: false,
tokens: false,

declare function parse(
code: string,
options: ParseOptions = PARSE_DEFAULT_OPTIONS,
): TSESTree.Program;


¥Example usage:

import { parse } from '@typescript-eslint/typescript-estree';

const code = `const hello: string = 'world';`;
const ast = parse(code, {
loc: true,
range: true,

parseAndGenerateServices(code, options)

使用提供的选项解析给定的代码字符串并返回与 ESTree 兼容的 AST。接受可用于与 AST 一起生成类型信息的附加选项。

¥Parses the given string of code with the options provided and returns an ESTree-compatible AST. Accepts additional options which can be used to generate type information along with the AST.

interface ParseAndGenerateServicesOptions extends ParseOptions {

* Granular control of the expiry lifetime of our internal caches.

* You can specify the number of seconds as an integer number, or the string

* 'Infinity' if you never want the cache to expire.

* * By default cache entries will be evicted after 30 seconds, or will persist

* indefinitely if `disallowAutomaticSingleRunInference = false` AND the parser

* infers that it is a single run.
cacheLifetime?: {

* Glob resolution for `parserOptions.project` values.
glob?: number | 'Infinity';


* ESLint (and therefore typescript-eslint) is used in both "single run"/one-time contexts,

* such as an ESLint CLI invocation, and long-running sessions (such as continuous feedback

* on a file in an IDE).

* * When typescript-eslint handles TypeScript Program management behind the scenes, this distinction

* is important because there is significant overhead to managing the so called Watch Programs

* needed for the long-running use-case.

* * By default, we will use common heuristics to infer whether ESLint is being

* used as part of a single run. This option disables those heuristics, and

* therefore the performance optimizations gained by them.

* * In other words, typescript-eslint is faster by default, and this option

* disables an automatic performance optimization.

* * This setting's default value can be specified by setting a `TSESTREE_SINGLE_RUN`

* environment variable to `"false"` or `"true"`.

* Otherwise, the default value is `false`.
disallowAutomaticSingleRunInference?: boolean;


* Causes the parser to error if the TypeScript compiler returns any unexpected syntax/semantic errors.
errorOnTypeScriptSyntacticAndSemanticIssues?: boolean;


* When `project` is provided, this controls the non-standard file extensions which will be parsed.

* It accepts an array of file extensions, each preceded by a `.`.

* * NOTE: When used with {@link projectService}, full project reloads may occur.
extraFileExtensions?: string[];


* Absolute (or relative to `tsconfigRootDir`) path to the file being parsed.

* When `project` is provided, this is required, as it is used to fetch the file from the TypeScript compiler's cache.
filePath?: string;


* Allows the user to control whether or not two-way AST node maps are preserved

* during the AST conversion process.

* * By default: the AST node maps are NOT preserved, unless `project` has been specified,

* in which case the maps are made available on the returned `parserServices`.

* * NOTE: If `preserveNodeMaps` is explicitly set by the user, it will be respected,

* regardless of whether or not `project` is in use.
preserveNodeMaps?: boolean;


* Absolute (or relative to `tsconfigRootDir`) paths to the tsconfig(s),

* or `true` to find the nearest tsconfig.json to the file.

* If this is provided, type information will be returned.

* * If set to `false`, `null`, or `undefined`, type information will not be returned.

* * Note that {@link projectService} is now preferred.
project?: string[] | string | boolean | null;


* If you provide a glob (or globs) to the project option, you can use this option to ignore certain folders from

* being matched by the globs.

* This accepts an array of globs to ignore.

* * By default, this is set to ["/node_modules/"]
projectFolderIgnoreList?: string[];


* Whether to create a shared TypeScript project service to power program creation.
projectService?: boolean | ProjectServiceOptions;


* The absolute path to the root directory for all provided `project`s.
tsconfigRootDir?: string;


* An array of one or more instances of TypeScript Program objects to be used for type information.

* This overrides any program or programs that would have been computed from the `project` option.

* All linted files must be part of the provided program(s).
programs?: Program[];


* Granular options to configure the project service.
interface ProjectServiceOptions {

* Globs of files to allow running with the default project compiler options.
allowDefaultProject?: string[];


* Path to a TSConfig to use instead of TypeScript's default project configuration.

* @default 'tsconfig.json'
defaultProject?: string;


* Whether to load TypeScript plugins as configured in the TSConfig.
loadTypeScriptPlugins?: boolean;


* The maximum number of files {@link allowDefaultProject} may match.

* Each file match slows down linting, so if you do need to use this, please

* file an informative issue on typescript-eslint explaining why - so we can

* help you avoid using it!

* @default 8
maximumDefaultProjectFileMatchCount_THIS_WILL_SLOW_DOWN_LINTING?: number;

interface ParserServices {
program: ts.Program;
esTreeNodeToTSNodeMap: WeakMap<TSESTree.Node, ts.Node | ts.Token>;
tsNodeToESTreeNodeMap: WeakMap<ts.Node | ts.Token, TSESTree.Node>;

interface ParseAndGenerateServicesResult<T extends TSESTreeOptions> {
ast: TSESTree.Program;
services: ParserServices;

errorOnTypeScriptSyntacticAndSemanticIssues: false,
extraFileExtensions: [],
preserveNodeMaps: false, // or true, if you do not set this, but pass `project`
project: undefined,
projectFolderIgnoreList: ['/node_modules/'],
tsconfigRootDir: process.cwd(),

declare function parseAndGenerateServices(
code: string,
options: ParseOptions = PARSE_DEFAULT_OPTIONS,
): ParseAndGenerateServicesResult;


¥Example usage:

import { parseAndGenerateServices } from '@typescript-eslint/typescript-estree';

const code = `const hello: string = 'world';`;
const { ast, services } = parseAndGenerateServices(code, {
filePath: '/some/path/to/file/foo.ts',
loc: true,
project: './tsconfig.json',
range: true,



解析函数生成的 AST 的类型。

¥Types for the AST produced by the parse functions.

  • TSESTree 是一个命名空间,其中包含表示解析器生成的所有 AST 节点的对象类型。

    ¥TSESTree is a namespace which contains object types representing all of the AST Nodes produced by the parser.

  • AST_NODE_TYPES 是一个枚举,它为每个 AST 节点的 type 属性提供值。

    ¥AST_NODE_TYPES is an enum which provides the values for every single AST node's type property.

  • AST_TOKEN_TYPES 是一个枚举,它为每个 AST 标记的 type 属性提供值。

    ¥AST_TOKEN_TYPES is an enum which provides the values for every single AST token's type property.



createProgram(configFile, projectDirectory)

这可作为 ParseOptions.programs 功能用户从配置文件创建 TypeScript 程序实例的实用方法。

¥This serves as a utility method for users of the ParseOptions.programs feature to create a TypeScript program instance from a config file.

declare function createProgram(
configFile: string,
projectDirectory: string = process.cwd(),
): import('typescript').Program;


¥Example usage:

const tsESTree = require('@typescript-eslint/typescript-estree');

const program = tsESTree.createProgram('tsconfig.json');
const code = `const hello: string = 'world';`;
const { ast, services } = parseAndGenerateServices(code, {
filePath: '/some/path/to/file/foo.ts',
loc: true,
range: true,



如果你遇到要调查的解析器错误,你可以通过设置环境变量来打开调试日志记录:DEBUG=typescript-eslint:*。即在此 repo 中,你可以运行:DEBUG=typescript-eslint:* yarn lint

¥If you encounter a bug with the parser that you want to investigate, you can turn on the debug logging via setting the environment variable: DEBUG=typescript-eslint:*. I.e. in this repo you can run: DEBUG=typescript-eslint:* yarn lint.

这将包括 TypeScript 服务器日志。要关闭这些日志,请在设置环境变量时包含 -typescript-eslint:typescript-estree:tsserver:*。即对于此 repo 更改为:DEBUG='typescript-eslint:*,-typescript-eslint:typescript-estree:tsserver:*' yarn lint

¥This will include TypeScript server logs. To turn off these logs, include -typescript-eslint:typescript-estree:tsserver:* when setting the environment variable. I.e. for this repo change to: DEBUG='typescript-eslint:*,-typescript-eslint:typescript-estree:tsserver:*' yarn lint.