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This rule will soon be moved to eslint-stylistic. See What About Formatting? for more information.

Require a specific member delimiter style for interfaces and type literals.


此规则报告的一些问题可通过 --fix ESLint 命令行选项自动修复

TypeScript 允许接口和类型别名中的成员之间使用三个分隔符:

英:TypeScript allows three delimiters between members in interfaces and type aliases:

interface Foo {
// Semicolons (default, preferred in TypeScript):
name: string;

// Commas (JSON-like):
name: string,

// Line breaks (none):
name: string


英:For code readability, it's generally best to use the same style consistently in your codebase.

此规则强制保持一种可配置的代码样式。 它还可以标准化构造的最后一个成员中分隔符的存在(或不存在),以及单行声明的单独分隔符语法。

英:This rule enforces keeping to one configurable code style. It can also standardize the presence (or absence) of a delimiter in the last member of a construct, as well as a separate delimiter syntax for single line declarations.

module.exports = {
"rules": {
"@typescript-eslint/member-delimiter-style": "error"
在线运行试试这个规则 ↗



英:Default config:

"multiline": {
"delimiter": "semi",
"requireLast": true
"singleline": {
"delimiter": "semi",
"requireLast": false
"multilineDetection": "brackets"

multiline 配置仅适用于多行 interface/type 定义。 singleline 配置仅适用于单行 interface/type 定义。 这两个配置是完全独立的,互不影响。

英:multiline config only applies to multiline interface/type definitions. singleline config only applies to single line interface/type definitions. The two configs are entirely separate, and do not effect one another.

multilineDetection 确定什么算作多行

英:multilineDetection determines what counts as multiline

  • "brackets"(默认)类型或接口中的任何换行符都会使其成为多行。
  • "last-member" 如果接口的最后一个成员与最后一个括号在同一行,则算作单行。


接受三个值(singleline 接受两个值):

英:Accepts three values (or two for singleline):

  • comma - 每个成员应以逗号 (,) 分隔。
  • semi - 每个成员应以分号 (;) 分隔。
  • none - 每个成员都应该没有任何分隔。

none 不是 singleline 的选项,因为单行中的成员之间没有分隔符是 TS 中的语法错误。


确定 interface/type 中的最后一个成员是否应该有分隔符:

英:Determines whether or not the last member in the interface/type should have a delimiter:

  • true - 最后一个成员 must 有一个分隔符。
  • false - 最后一个成员 一定不 有一个分隔符。


允许你专门为 interfacetype 定义/内联 type 指定选项。

英:Allows you to specify options specifically for either interfaces or type definitions / inline types.

例如,要求 type 使用逗号,多行 interface 使用分号:

英:For example, to require commas for types, and semicolons for multiline interfaces:

"multiline": {
"delimiter": "comma",
"requireLast": true
"singleline": {
"delimiter": "comma",
"requireLast": true
"overrides": {
"interface": {
"multiline": {
"delimiter": "semi",
"requireLast": true



英:Examples of code for this rule with the default config:

// missing semicolon delimiter
interface Foo {
name: string
greet(): string

// using incorrect delimiter
interface Bar {
name: string,
greet(): string,

// missing last member delimiter
interface Baz {
name: string;
greet(): string

// incorrect delimiter
type FooBar = { name: string, greet(): string }

// last member should not have delimiter
type FooBar = { name: string; greet(): string; }
Open in Playground



英:If you specifically want to use both member delimiter kinds for stylistic reasons, or don't wish to enforce one style over the other, you can avoid this rule.

但是,请记住,不一致的风格可能会损害项目的可读性。 我们建议为此规则选择一个最适合你的项目的选项。

英:However, keep in mind that inconsistent style can harm readability in a project. We recommend picking a single option for this rule that works best for your project.



type MultiLineOption = 'comma' | 'none' | 'semi';

type SingleLineOption = 'comma' | 'semi';

type DelimiterConfig = {
multiline?: {
delimiter?: MultiLineOption;
requireLast?: boolean;
singleline?: {
delimiter?: SingleLineOption;
requireLast?: boolean;

type Options = [
multiline?: {
delimiter?: MultiLineOption;
requireLast?: boolean;
multilineDetection?: 'brackets' | 'last-member';
overrides?: {
interface?: DelimiterConfig;
typeLiteral?: DelimiterConfig;
singleline?: {
delimiter?: SingleLineOption;
requireLast?: boolean;

const defaultOptions: Options = [
multiline: { delimiter: 'semi', requireLast: true },
singleline: { delimiter: 'semi', requireLast: false },
multilineDetection: 'brackets',
