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Enforce that class methods utilize this.


This is an "extension" rule that replaces a core ESLint rule to work with TypeScript. See Rules > Extension Rules.

This rule extends the base class-methods-use-this rule from ESLint core. 它增加了对忽略 override 方法和/或实现接口的类上的方法的支持。它还支持自动访问器属性。

¥It adds support for ignoring override methods and/or methods on classes that implement an interface. It also supports auto-accessor properties.


export default tseslint.config({
rules: {
// Note: you must disable the base rule as it can report incorrect errors
"class-methods-use-this": "off",
"@typescript-eslint/class-methods-use-this": "error"

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See eslint/class-methods-use-this's options.



¥This rule adds the following options:

interface Options extends BaseClassMethodsUseThisOptions {
ignoreOverrideMethods?: boolean;
ignoreClassesThatImplementAnInterface?: boolean | 'public-fields';

const defaultOptions: Options = {
ignoreOverrideMethods: false,
ignoreClassesThatImplementAnInterface: false,


Whether to ignore members marked with the override modifier. Default: false.

ignoreOverrideMethods 设置为 true 时的正确代码示例:

¥Example of correct code when ignoreOverrideMethods is set to true:

abstract class Base {
abstract method(): void;
abstract property: () => void;

class Derived extends Base {
override method() {}
override property = () => {};
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Whether to ignore class members that are defined within a class that implements a type. Default: false.


¥If specified, it can be either:

  • true:忽略所有实现接口的类

    ¥true: Ignore all classes that implement an interface

  • 'public-fields':仅忽略实现接口的类的公共字段

    ¥'public-fields': Ignore only the public fields of classes that implement an interface


¥Note that this option applies to all class members, not just those defined in the interface.


ignoreClassesThatImplementAnInterface 设置为 true 时的代码示例:

¥Examples of code when ignoreClassesThatImplementAnInterface is set to true:

class Standalone {
method() {}
property = () => {};
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ignoreClassesThatImplementAnInterface 设置为 'public-fields' 时的错误代码示例:

¥Example of incorrect code when ignoreClassesThatImplementAnInterface is set to 'public-fields':

interface Base {
method(): void;

class Derived implements Base {
method() {}
property = () => {};

private privateMethod() {}
private privateProperty = () => {};

protected protectedMethod() {}
protected protectedProperty = () => {};
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¥When Not To Use It

如果你的项目以 TypeScript 难以建模的方式动态更改 this 范围,则此规则可能无法使用。你可以考虑在这些特定情况下使用 ESLint 禁用注释,而不是完全禁用此规则。

¥If your project dynamically changes this scopes around in a way TypeScript has difficulties modeling, this rule may not be viable to use. You might consider using ESLint disable comments for those specific situations instead of completely disabling this rule.

'## 资源'

Taken with ❤️ from ESLint core.