Disallow two overloads that could be unified into one with a union or an optional/rest parameter.
在 ESLint 配置 中扩展"plugin:@typescript-eslint/strict"
函数重载签名是一种定义可以多种不同方式调用的函数的 TypeScript 方法。重载签名会增加语法和理论上的膨胀,因此通常最好尽可能避免使用它们。切换到联合类型和/或可选或剩余参数通常可以避免对重载签名的需要。
¥Function overload signatures are a TypeScript way to define a function that can be called in multiple very different ways. Overload signatures add syntax and theoretical bloat, so it's generally best to avoid using them when possible. Switching to union types and/or optional or rest parameters can often avoid the need for overload signatures.
¥This rule reports when function overload signatures can be replaced by a single function signature.
- Flat Config
- Legacy Config
export default tseslint.config({
rules: {
"@typescript-eslint/unified-signatures": "error"
module.exports = {
"rules": {
"@typescript-eslint/unified-signatures": "error"
在线运行试试这个规则 ↗
- ❌ Incorrect
- ✅ Correct
function x(x: number): void;
function x(x: string): void;
Open in Playgroundfunction y(): void;
function y(...x: number[]): void;
Open in Playgroundfunction x(x: number | string): void;
Open in Playgroundfunction y(...x: number[]): void;
Open in Playground// This rule won't check overload signatures with different rest parameter types.
// See https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/5077
function f(...a: number[]): void;
function f(...a: string[]): void;
Open in Playground选项
type Options = [
/** Whether two parameters with different names at the same index should be considered different even if their types are the same. */
ignoreDifferentlyNamedParameters?: boolean;
/** Whether two overloads with different JSDoc comments should be considered different even if their parameter and return types are the same. */
ignoreOverloadsWithDifferentJSDoc?: boolean;
const defaultOptions: Options = [
ignoreDifferentlyNamedParameters: false,
ignoreOverloadsWithDifferentJSDoc: false,
Whether two parameters with different names at the same index should be considered different even if their types are the same. Default: false
带有 ignoreDifferentlyNamedParameters
¥Examples of code for this rule with ignoreDifferentlyNamedParameters
- ❌ Incorrect
- ✅ Correct
function f(a: number): void;
function f(a: string): void;
Open in Playgroundfunction f(a: number): void;
function f(b: string): void;
Open in PlaygroundignoreOverloadsWithDifferentJSDoc
Whether two overloads with different JSDoc comments should be considered different even if their parameter and return types are the same. Default: false
带有 ignoreOverloadsWithDifferentJSDoc
¥Examples of code for this rule with ignoreOverloadsWithDifferentJSDoc
- ❌ Incorrect
- ✅ Correct
declare function f(x: string): void;
declare function f(x: boolean): void;
* @deprecate
declare function f(x: number): void;
* @deprecate
declare function f(x: null): void;
Open in Playgrounddeclare function f(x: string): void;
* This signature does something else.
declare function f(x: boolean): void;
* @async
declare function f(x: number): void;
* @deprecate
declare function f(x: null): void;
Open in Playground何时不使用它
¥When Not To Use It
¥This is purely a stylistic rule to help with readability of function signature overloads. You can turn it off if you don't want to consistently keep them next to each other and unified.
¥Related To
'## 资源'