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Enforce consistent awaiting of returned promises.


ESLint 配置 中扩展"plugin:@typescript-eslint/strict-type-checked" 可启用此规则。


此规则报告的一些问题可通过 --fix ESLint 命令行选项自动修复


此规则报告的一些问题可以通过编辑器 建议 手动修复。


该规则需要 类型信息 才能运行,但这会带来性能方面的权衡。

async 函数中,返回承诺封装的值或直接返回值都是有效的,这两者最终都会产生具有相同履行值的承诺。返回值而不是承诺封装的值可以有几个微妙的好处:

¥In async functions, it is valid to return a promise-wrapped value or a value directly, both of which ultimately produce a promise with the same fulfillment value. Returning a value rather than a promise-wrapped value can have several subtle benefits:


¥This rule enforces consistent handling of whether to await promises before returning them.


此规则曾被视为(现已弃用的)ESLint 核心规则 no-return-await 的扩展。如果没有类型信息,no-return-await 唯一可以标记的情况是中性到负值,这最终导致其弃用。相比之下,通过访问类型信息,@typescript-eslint/return-await 提供了足够的正值,使其在我们的严格预设中占有一席之地。

¥This rule used to be considered an extension of the (now-deprecated) ESLint core rule no-return-await. Without type information, the only situations that could be flagged by no-return-await were of neutral-to-negative value, which eventually led to its deprecation. In contrast, with access to type information, @typescript-eslint/return-await delivers enough positive value to earn it a spot in our strict preset.

如果你以前使用过 no-return-await,则此规则的 in-try-catch 选项的行为与 no-return-await 规则最接近。

¥If you previously used no-return-await, this rule's in-try-catch option has the closest behavior to the no-return-await rule.

export default tseslint.config({
rules: {
"@typescript-eslint/return-await": "error"

在线运行试试这个规则 ↗


This rule accepts the following options, and has more strict settings in the strict and strict-type-checked configs.

type Options = [
/** Disallows awaiting any returned promises. */
| 'never'
/** In error-handling contexts, the rule enforces that returned promises must be awaited. In ordinary contexts, the rule does not enforce any particular behavior around whether returned promises are awaited. */
| 'error-handling-correctness-only'
/** In error-handling contexts, the rule enforces that returned promises must be awaited. In ordinary contexts, the rule enforces that returned promises _must not_ be awaited. */
| 'in-try-catch'
/** Requires that all returned promises be awaited. */
| 'always',

const defaultOptionsRecommended: Options = ['in-try-catch'];

// These options are merged on top of the recommended defaults
const defaultOptionsStrict: Options = ['error-handling-correctness-only'];


type Options =
| 'in-try-catch'
| 'always'
| 'error-handling-correctness-only'
| 'never';

const defaultOptions: Options = 'in-try-catch';

此规则中的选项区分 "普通上下文" 和 "错误处理上下文"。错误处理上下文是返回未等待的承诺会导致与异常/拒绝有关的意外控制流的任何地方。有关每个选项的部分,请参阅详细示例。

¥The options in this rule distinguish between "ordinary contexts" and "error-handling contexts". An error-handling context is anywhere where returning an unawaited promise would cause unexpected control flow regarding exceptions/rejections. See detailed examples in the sections for each option.

  • 如果你在 try 块内返回一个承诺,则应该等待它以按预期触发后续的 catchfinally 块。

    ¥If you return a promise within a try block, it should be awaited in order to trigger subsequent catch or finally blocks as expected.

  • 如果你在 catch 块内返回一个承诺,并且有一个 finally 块,则应该等待它以按预期触发 finally 块。

    ¥If you return a promise within a catch block, and there is a finally block, it should be awaited in order to trigger the finally block as expected.

  • 如果你在 usingawait using 声明与其范围结束之间返回一个承诺,则应该等待它,因为它的行为相当于封装在 try 块中后跟 finally 的代码。

    ¥If you return a promise between a using or await using declaration and the end of its scope, it should be awaited, since it behaves equivalently to code wrapped in a try block followed by a finally.


¥Ordinary contexts are anywhere else a promise may be returned. The choice of whether to await a returned promise in an ordinary context is mostly stylistic.


¥With these terms defined, the options may be summarized as follows:

alwaysreturn await promise;return await promise;✅ 是的!
in-try-catchreturn promise;return await promise;✅ 是的!
error-handling-correctness-only不关心 🤷return await promise;🟡 可以使用,但上述选项会更好。
neverreturn promise;return promise;
(⚠️ 这种行为可能有害⚠️)
❌ 不。此选项已弃用。



¥In error-handling contexts, the rule enforces that returned promises must be awaited. In ordinary contexts, the rule enforces that returned promises must not be awaited.

如果你出于风格原因更喜欢较短的 return promise 形式,那么这是一个不错的选择,无论在哪里使用都是安全的。

¥This is a good option if you prefer the shorter return promise form for stylistic reasons, wherever it's safe to use.

带有 in-try-catch 的代码示例:

¥Examples of code with in-try-catch:

async function invalidInTryCatch1() {
try {
return Promise.reject('try');
} catch (e) {
// Doesn't execute due to missing await.

async function invalidInTryCatch2() {
try {
throw new Error('error');
} catch (e) {
// Unnecessary await; rejections here don't impact control flow.
return await Promise.reject('catch');

// Prints 'starting async work', 'cleanup', 'async work done'.
async function invalidInTryCatch3() {
async function doAsyncWork(): Promise<void> {
console.log('starting async work');
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
console.log('async work done');

try {
throw new Error('error');
} catch (e) {
// Missing await.
return doAsyncWork();
} finally {

async function invalidInTryCatch4() {
try {
throw new Error('error');
} catch (e) {
throw new Error('error2');
} finally {
// Unnecessary await; rejections here don't impact control flow.
return await Promise.reject('finally');

async function invalidInTryCatch5() {
return await Promise.resolve('try');

async function invalidInTryCatch6() {
return await 'value';

async function invalidInTryCatch7() {
using x = createDisposable();
return Promise.reject('using in scope');
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¥Requires that all returned promises be awaited.


¥This is a good option if you like the consistency of simply always awaiting promises, or prefer not having to consider the distinction between error-handling contexts and ordinary contexts.

带有 always 的代码示例:

¥Examples of code with always:

async function invalidAlways1() {
try {
return Promise.resolve('try');
} catch (e) {}

async function invalidAlways2() {
return Promise.resolve('try');

async function invalidAlways3() {
return await 'value';
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¥In error-handling contexts, the rule enforces that returned promises must be awaited. In ordinary contexts, the rule does not enforce any particular behavior around whether returned promises are awaited.


¥This is a good option if you only want to benefit from rule's ability to catch control flow bugs in error-handling contexts, but don't want to enforce a particular style otherwise.


我们建议你配置 in-try-catchalways,而不是此选项。虽然在错误处理上下文之外等待承诺的选择主要是风格上的,但通常最好保持一致。

¥We recommend you configure either in-try-catch or always instead of this option. While the choice of whether to await promises outside of error-handling contexts is mostly stylistic, it's generally best to be consistent.

此规则使用 error-handling-correctness-only 的其他正确代码示例:

¥Examples of additional correct code with error-handling-correctness-only:

async function asyncFunction(): Promise<void> {
if (Math.random() < 0.5) {
return await Promise.resolve();
} else {
return Promise.resolve();
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¥Disallows awaiting any returned promises.


此选项已弃用,将在 typescript-eslint 的未来主要版本中删除。

¥This option is deprecated and will be removed in a future major version of typescript-eslint.

never 选项在错误处理上下文中引入了不良行为。如果你希望尽量减少返回等待的承诺,请考虑改用 in-try-catch,这通常也禁止返回等待的承诺,但仅限于不等待承诺是安全的情况下。

¥The never option introduces undesirable behavior in error-handling contexts. If you prefer to minimize returning awaited promises, consider instead using in-try-catch instead, which also generally bans returning awaited promises, but only where it is safe not to await a promise.

有关更多详细信息,请参阅 typescript-eslint#9433

¥See more details at typescript-eslint#9433.

带有 never 的代码示例:

¥Examples of code with never:

async function invalidNever1() {
try {
return await Promise.resolve('try');
} catch (e) {}

async function invalidNever2() {
return await Promise.resolve('try');

async function invalidNever3() {
return await 'value';
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Type checked lint rules are more powerful than traditional lint rules, but also require configuring type checked linting.

See Troubleshooting > Linting with Type Information > Performance if you experience performance degradations after enabling type checked rules.

'## 资源'