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Require expressions of type void to appear in statement position.


ESLint 配置 中扩展"plugin:@typescript-eslint/strict-type-checked" 可启用此规则。


此规则报告的一些问题可通过 --fix ESLint 命令行选项自动修复


此规则报告的一些问题可以通过编辑器 建议 手动修复。


该规则需要 类型信息 才能运行。

TypeScript 中的 void 指的是要被忽略的函数返回。 尝试使用 void 类型的值(例如将被调用函数的结果存储在变量中)通常是程序员错误的标志。 即使使用正确,void 也可能会误导其他开发者。

英:void in TypeScript refers to a function return that is meant to be ignored. Attempting to use a void-typed value, such as storing the result of a called function in a variable, is often a sign of a programmer error. void can also be misleading for other developers even if used correctly.

此规则可防止 void 类型表达式在误导性位置使用,例如分配给变量、作为函数参数提供或从函数返回。

英:This rule prevents void type expressions from being used in misleading locations such as being assigned to a variable, provided as a function argument, or returned from a function.

module.exports = {
"rules": {
"@typescript-eslint/no-confusing-void-expression": "error"
在线运行试试这个规则 ↗


// somebody forgot that `alert` doesn't return anything
const response = alert('Are you sure?');
console.log(alert('Are you sure?'));

// it's not obvious whether the chained promise will contain the response (fixable)
promise.then(value => window.postMessage(value));

// it looks like we are returning the result of `console.error` (fixable)
function doSomething() {
if (!somethingToDo) {
return console.error('Nothing to do!');

console.log('Doing a thing...');
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将每个箭头函数速记表达式都用大括号括起来可能是不可取的。 特别是在使用 Prettier 格式化程序时,它将此类代码分布在 3 行而不是 1 行中。

英:It might be undesirable to wrap every arrow function shorthand expression with braces. Especially when using Prettier formatter, which spreads such code across 3 lines instead of 1.

启用此选项的附加 correct 代码示例:

英:Examples of additional correct code with this option enabled:

promise.then(value => window.postMessage(value));
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最好只使用一些不同的语法来显式标记 void 表达式的令人困惑但有效的用法。 此选项允许将 void 表达式显式封装在 void 运算符中。 只要其他开发者了解这种代码风格,这就可以帮助避免他们之间的混淆。

英:It might be preferable to only use some distinct syntax to explicitly mark the confusing but valid usage of void expressions. This option allows void expressions which are explicitly wrapped in the void operator. This can help avoid confusion among other developers as long as they are made aware of this code style.

此选项还更改了常见情况的自动修复以使用 void 运算符。 它还启用建议修复,以针对报告的每个问题使用 void 运算符封装 void 表达式。

英:This option also changes the automatic fixes for common cases to use the void operator. It also enables a suggestion fix to wrap the void expression with void operator for every problem reported.

启用此选项的附加 correct 代码示例:

英:Examples of additional correct code with this option enabled:

// now it's obvious that we don't expect any response
promise.then(value => void window.postMessage(value));

// now it's explicit that we don't want to return anything
function doSomething() {
if (!somethingToDo) {
return void console.error('Nothing to do!');

console.log('Doing a thing...');

// we are sure that we want to always log `undefined`
console.log(void alert('Hello, world!'));
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可以通过在 IDE 中转到其定义或将鼠标悬停在其上来检查函数的返回类型。 如果你不关心在实际代码中明确显示 void 类型,则不要使用此规则。 另外,如果你更喜欢简洁的编码风格,而不是对 void 相关错误的恐惧,那么你可以避免此规则。

英:The return type of a function can be inspected by going to its definition or hovering over it in an IDE. If you don't care about being explicit about the void type in actual code then don't use this rule. Also, if you strongly prefer a concise coding style more strongly than any fear of void-related bugs then you can avoid this rule.



type Options = [
ignoreArrowShorthand?: boolean;
ignoreVoidOperator?: boolean;

const defaultOptions: Options = [{}];
