Disallow TypeScript namespaces.
在 ESLint 配置 中扩展"plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended"
TypeScript 历史上允许一种称为 "自定义模块" (module Example {}
) 的代码组织形式,后来重命名为 "namespaces" (namespace Example
)。命名空间是一种过时的组织 TypeScript 代码的方式。现在首选 ES2015 模块语法(import
¥TypeScript historically allowed a form of code organization called "custom modules" (module Example {}
), later renamed to "namespaces" (namespace Example
Namespaces are an outdated way to organize TypeScript code.
ES2015 module syntax is now preferred (import
此规则不报告使用 TypeScript 模块声明来描述外部 API(
declare module 'foo' {}
)的情况。¥This rule does not report on the use of TypeScript module declarations to describe external APIs (
declare module 'foo' {}
- Flat Config
- Legacy Config
export default tseslint.config({
rules: {
"@typescript-eslint/no-namespace": "error"
module.exports = {
"rules": {
"@typescript-eslint/no-namespace": "error"
在线运行试试这个规则 ↗
¥Examples of code with the default options:
- ❌ Incorrect
- ✅ Correct
module foo {}
namespace foo {}
declare module foo {}
declare namespace foo {}
Open in Playgrounddeclare module 'foo' {}
// anything inside a d.ts file
Open in Playground选项
type Options = [
/** Whether to allow `declare` with custom TypeScript namespaces. */
allowDeclarations?: boolean;
/** Whether to allow `declare` with custom TypeScript namespaces inside definition files. */
allowDefinitionFiles?: boolean;
const defaultOptions: Options = [
{ allowDeclarations: false, allowDefinitionFiles: true },
Whether to allow declare
with custom TypeScript namespaces. Default: false
带有 { "allowDeclarations": true }
¥Examples of code with the { "allowDeclarations": true }
- ❌ Incorrect
- ✅ Correct
module foo {}
namespace foo {}
Open in Playgrounddeclare module 'foo' {}
declare module foo {}
declare namespace foo {}
declare global {
namespace foo {}
declare module foo {
namespace foo {}
Open in Playground{ "allowDeclarations": false }
¥Examples of code for the { "allowDeclarations": false }
- ❌ Incorrect
- ✅ Correct
module foo {}
namespace foo {}
declare module foo {}
declare namespace foo {}
Open in Playgrounddeclare module 'foo' {}
Open in PlaygroundallowDefinitionFiles
Whether to allow declare
with custom TypeScript namespaces inside definition files. Default: true
{ "allowDefinitionFiles": true }
¥Examples of code for the { "allowDefinitionFiles": true }
- ❌ Incorrect
- ✅ Correct
// if outside a d.ts file
module foo {}
namespace foo {}
// if outside a d.ts file and allowDeclarations = false
module foo {}
namespace foo {}
declare module foo {}
declare namespace foo {}
Open in Playgrounddeclare module 'foo' {}
// anything inside a d.ts file
Open in Playground何时不使用它
¥When Not To Use It
如果你的项目使用 TypeScript 的 CommonJS 导出语法 (export = ...
¥If your project uses TypeScript's CommonJS export syntax (export = ...
), you may need to use namespaces in order to export types from your module.
You can learn more about this at:
的拉取请求¥TypeScript#52203, the pull request introducing
TypeScript#60852,请求从 CommonJS 模块导出类型的语法的问题。
¥TypeScript#60852, an issue requesting syntax to export types from a CommonJS module.
如果你的项目使用此语法,无论是因为它是在现代模块和命名空间之前设计的,还是因为模块选项(如 verbatimModuleSyntax
¥If your project uses this syntax, either because it was architected before modern modules and namespaces, or because a module option such as verbatimModuleSyntax
requires it, it may be difficult to migrate off of namespaces.
In that case you may not be able to use this rule for parts of your project.
你可以考虑在这些特定情况下使用 ESLint 禁用注释,而不是完全禁用此规则。
¥You might consider using ESLint disable comments for those specific situations instead of completely disabling this rule.
¥Further Reading
规则的错误 -
FAQ:我应该如何处理与 verbatimModuleSyntax 冲突的报告?
¥FAQ: How should I handle reports that conflict with verbatimModuleSyntax?
'## 资源'