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Enforce constituents of a type union/intersection to be sorted alphabetically.


此规则报告的一些问题可通过 --fix ESLint 命令行选项自动修复


此规则报告的一些问题可以通过编辑器 建议 手动修复。

对并集 (|) 和交集 (&) 类型进行排序可以帮助:

英:Sorting union (|) and intersection (&) types can help:

  • 保持代码库标准化
  • 查找重复类型
  • 减少差异流失


英:This rule reports on any types that aren't sorted alphabetically.


module.exports = {
"rules": {
"@typescript-eslint/sort-type-constituents": "error"
在线运行试试这个规则 ↗


type T1 = B | A;

type T2 = { b: string } & { a: string };

type T3 = [1, 2, 4] & [1, 2, 3];

type T4 =
| [1, 2, 4]
| [1, 2, 3]
| { b: string }
| { a: string }
| (() => void)
| (() => string)
| 'b'
| 'a'
| 'b'
| 'a'
| readonly string[]
| readonly number[]
| string[]
| number[]
| B
| A
| string
| any;
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英:Whether to check intersection types (&).

带有 { "checkIntersections": true }(默认值)的代码示例:

英:Examples of code with { "checkIntersections": true } (the default):

type ExampleIntersection = B & A;
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英:Whether to check union types (|).

带有 { "checkUnions": true }(默认值)的代码示例:

英:Examples of code with { "checkUnions": true } (the default):

type ExampleUnion = B | A;
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该类型的每个组成部分都被放入一个组中,然后该规则在每个组内按字母顺序排序。 组的顺序由该选项确定。

英:Each constituent of the type is placed into a group, and then the rule sorts alphabetically within each group. The ordering of groups is determined by this option.

  • conditional - 条件类型 (A extends B ? C : D)
  • function - 函数和构造函数类型(() => voidnew () => type
  • import - 导入类型 (import('path'))
  • intersection - 交集类型 (A & B)
  • keyword - 关键字类型(anystring 等)
  • literal - 字面量类型(1'b'true 等)
  • named - 命名类型(AA['prop']B[]Array<C>
  • object - 对象类型({ a: string }{ [key: string]: number }
  • operator - 运算符类型(keyof Atypeof Breadonly C[]
  • tuple - 元组类型 ([A, B, C])
  • union - 联合类型 (A | B)
  • nullish - nullundefined

例如,配置规则为 { "groupOrder": ["literal", "nullish" ]}

英:For example, configuring the rule with { "groupOrder": ["literal", "nullish" ]}:

type ExampleGroup = null | 123;
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该规则纯粹是用于保持项目一致性的风格规则。 如果你不想让交集和并集类型保持一致、可预测的顺序,则可以将其关闭。 但是,请记住,不一致的风格可能会损害项目的可读性。

英:This rule is purely a stylistic rule for maintaining consistency in your project. You can turn it off if you don't want to keep a consistent, predictable order for intersection and union types. However, keep in mind that inconsistent style can harm readability in a project.



type Options = [
/** Whether to check intersection types. */
checkIntersections?: boolean;
/** Whether to check union types. */
checkUnions?: boolean;
/** Ordering of the groups. */
groupOrder?: (
| 'conditional'
| 'function'
| 'import'
| 'intersection'
| 'keyword'
| 'literal'
| 'named'
| 'nullish'
| 'object'
| 'operator'
| 'tuple'
| 'union'

const defaultOptions: Options = [
checkIntersections: true,
checkUnions: true,
groupOrder: [
