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Disallow accidentally using the "empty object" type.

ESLint 配置 中扩展"plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended" 可启用此规则。


此规则报告的一些问题可以通过编辑器 建议 手动修复。

TypeScript 中的 {} 或 "空对象" 类型是让不熟悉 TypeScript 结构类型的开发者感到困惑的常见原因。{} 表示任何非空值,包括像 0"" 这样的文字:

¥The {}, or "empty object" type in TypeScript is a common source of confusion for developers unfamiliar with TypeScript's structural typing. {} represents any non-nullish value, including literals like 0 and "":

let anyNonNullishValue: {} = 'Intentionally allowed by TypeScript.';

通常,开发者编写 {} 的意思是:

¥Often, developers writing {} actually mean either:

  • object:表示任何对象值

    ¥object: representing any object value

  • unknown:表示任何值,包括 nullundefined

    ¥unknown: representing any value at all, including null and undefined

换句话说,"空对象" 类型 {} 实际上是 "任何已定义的值"。这包括数组、类实例、函数和原语,例如 stringsymbol

¥In other words, the "empty object" type {} really means "any value that is defined". That includes arrays, class instances, functions, and primitives such as string and symbol.

为了避免混淆 {} 类型允许任何非空值,此规则禁止使用 {} 类型。这包括没有字段的接口和对象类型别名。

¥To avoid confusion around the {} type allowing any non-nullish value, this rule bans usage of the {} type. That includes interfaces and object type aliases with no fields.


如果你确实有一个允许 {} 的 API 用例,你始终可以配置 规则的选项、使用 ESLint 禁用注释在你的 ESLint 配置

¥If you do have a use case for an API allowing {}, you can always configure the rule's options, use an ESLint disable comment, or disable the rule in your ESLint config.


¥Note that this rule does not report on:

  • {} 作为交叉类型中的类型组成部分(例如,TypeScript 内置的 type NonNullable<T> = T & {} 之类的类型),因为这在类型系统操作中很有用。

    ¥{} as a type constituent in an intersection type (e.g. types like TypeScript's built-in type NonNullable<T> = T & {}), as this can be useful in type system operations.

  • 从多个其他接口扩展的接口。

    ¥Interfaces that extend from multiple other interfaces.

export default tseslint.config({
rules: {
"@typescript-eslint/no-empty-object-type": "error"

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let anyObject: {};
let anyValue: {};

interface AnyObjectA {}
interface AnyValueA {}

type AnyObjectB = {};
type AnyValueB = {};
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type Options = [
/** Whether to allow empty interfaces. */
| 'never'
| 'with-single-extends'
/** Whether to allow empty interfaces. */
| 'always';
/** Whether to allow empty object type literals. */
| 'never'
/** Whether to allow empty object type literals. */
| 'always';
/** A stringified regular expression to allow interfaces and object type aliases with the configured name. */
allowWithName?: string;

const defaultOptions: Options = [
{ allowInterfaces: 'never', allowObjectTypes: 'never' },



¥By default, this rule flags both interfaces and object types.


Whether to allow empty interfaces. Default: "never".


¥Allowed values are:

  • 'always':始终允许没有字段的接口

    ¥'always': to always allow interfaces with no fields

  • 'never'(默认):绝不允许没有字段的接口

    ¥'never' (default): to never allow interfaces with no fields

  • 'with-single-extends':允许从单个基本接口 extend 的空接口

    ¥'with-single-extends': to allow empty interfaces that extend from a single base interface

带有 { allowInterfaces: 'with-single-extends' } 的此规则的正确代码示例:

¥Examples of correct code for this rule with { allowInterfaces: 'with-single-extends' }:

interface Base {
value: boolean;

interface Derived extends Base {}
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Whether to allow empty object type literals. Default: "never".


¥Allowed values are:

  • 'always':始终允许没有字段的对象类型文字

    ¥'always': to always allow object type literals with no fields

  • 'never'(默认):绝不允许没有字段的对象类型文字

    ¥'never' (default): to never allow object type literals with no fields


A stringified regular expression to allow interfaces and object type aliases with the configured name.

如果你现有的代码样式包括使用 {} 而不是 object 声明空类型的模式,这可能很有用。

¥This can be useful if your existing code style includes a pattern of declaring empty types with {} instead of object.

带有 { allowWithName: 'Props$' } 的此规则的代码示例:

¥Examples of code for this rule with { allowWithName: 'Props$' }:

interface InterfaceValue {}

type TypeValue = {};
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¥When Not To Use It

如果你的代码通常需要表示 "任何非空值" 类型,则此规则可能不适合你。广泛使用类型操作(例如条件类型和映射类型)的项目通常会受益于禁用此规则。

¥If your code commonly needs to represent the "any non-nullish value" type, this rule may not be for you. Projects that extensively use type operations such as conditional types and mapped types oftentimes benefit from disabling this rule.


¥Further Reading

'## 资源'